Can I Apply for ETIAS with a Criminal Record?

In this article

Criminal records can prevent you from being allowed to travel to the Schengen Zone. Any travellers applying for ETIAS for a short stay in Europe are likely to have their ETIAS application declined if they have committed a serious crime. Applications from people with minor offences will usually be approved for an ETIAS and granted entry to the 26 ETIAS countries.

ETIAS introduces checks for criminal records for Schengen visa-free travel

The ETIAS has been introduced to help improve security to monitor who is travelling into the Schengen Zone but to also make travel purposes such as tourism and business easier for low-risk travellers. Part of the assessment process for the ETIAS application is to check for any previous criminal records, to allow the authorities to determine whether an applicant is deemed to be a high risk to the Schengen Zone.

Requirements for entering Europe with a criminal record

If you have a criminal record, it does not mean that you will automatically get declined for an ETIAS, as it depends on the details of your criminal conviction and when it occurred. There is no exact list of which criminal convictions will prevent you from obtaining an ETIAS but you can assume that crimes of a more serious nature are likely to lead to a declined application.
Traffic offences of a minor nature are less likely to affect your ETIAS application, compared to crimes that involved violence, for example. The whole purpose of the ETIAS is to make sure that the people within the Schengen Zone are protected as much as possible from the threats posed by high-risk people entering the area.
Any of the following serious criminal offences in the last ten years will need to be reviewed and likely to be declined:
  • Terrorism (in the last 20 years)
  • Sexual exploitation of children
  • Trafficking of human beings
  • Trafficking of drugs
  • Murder
  • Rape
Even if an applicant lies on their application, the ETIAS authorities will screen their details across a number of security databases to check whether any serious crimes have been committed. Being dishonest will most certainly lead to the application being denied.
If your ETIAS is denied but you still want to visit the Schengen Zone, the other option is to apply for a Schengen Visa. In this scenario, you would need to attend the Embassy in your country for an interview and to provide further details regarding your criminal conviction and any other documents and information that is requested. Following the interview, the officials will decide whether to issue a Schengen Visa based on the details of your criminal conviction and the level of risk that it poses to the Schengen Zone and people living within it.

European criminal records databases

The countries within the Schengen Zone operate with a shared set of databases, to help to monitor criminals and to prevent them from being able to enter the Schengen Zone border.
The European Criminal Records Information System on convicted third country nationals (ECRIS) has been created to help countries to exchange data regarding existing criminal records for non-EU and stateless people.
Data stored on ECRIS will include fingerprints where available, as well as facial images. The system will be managed by the eu-LISA agency who manages the ETIAS system.
The introduction of ETIAS enables the Schengen Zone officials to pre-screen travellers and therefore boost security measures involving people entering the area. In some cases, if the crime has been regarded as spent, it will not affect the ETIAS application, so even if you have an ETIAS declined, there may be an opportunity to apply for an ETIAS at a later date in the future. This will depend on the seriousness of the conviction, with the worst level of crime preventing offenders from obtaining an ETIAS to enter the Schengen Zone.

ETIAS Criminal Record Questions - The Contents of the ETIAS Application From

The ETIAS application form is designed for non-EU citizens who want to travel to countries in the European Union without needing a visa. This form contains a series of questions that cover personal information, travel history, health status, travel plans, and security-related questions.
Some of the personal details you will be required to provide include the following:
  • Your full name.
  • Birth country, nationality, and state of residence.
  • Occupation.
  • Email address.
  • Education (from basic to tertiary education).
  • Mobile number.
  • Date and place of birth, etc.
You will need to provide credible and honest answers about the following:
  • Your health status.
  • What you plan to do in the country.
  • How long you plan to stay in the country.
  • Your planned point of entry into the country.
  • If you have made any previous decisions that required you to leave the territory of an EU Member State.
  • If you have recently been deported from any EU country or other country that needs a visa to enter Europe.
Other vital parts of this form are explained in this article.

The Purpose of Security Checks and Criminal Background Questions

The purpose of security and criminal background questions in the application process is to determine whether you are a threat to the security and safety of the European Union (EU) and its citizens. This is because, in recent years, there have been a number of terrorist attacks in Europe.
By collecting information about an applicant's criminal history and other relevant information, the ETIAS system can identify individuals who have been convicted of serious crimes or terrorist offenses and prevent them from entering the EU.
This doesn’t mean that felons can’t travel to Europe. It is possible to apply for ETIAS with a criminal record and get your application approved. The final decision will depend on when your criminal conviction occurred and its details. In fact, people with minor offenses will usually be granted entry to the ETIAS countries.
Additionally, the system can identify individuals who have spent time in war or conflict zones or who have been previously removed from EU territory and determine whether they pose a potential security threat. This process helps the EU ensure its citizens' safety and maintain security within its territories.

What Do Criminal Record Questions Include?

As part of due diligence for proper security in the ETIAS and Schengen zone, you will need to provide answers to the following criminal statuses:
  • Money laundering.
  • Sexual exploitation.
  • Sexual offenses with minors.
  • Rape.
  • Human trafficking.
  • Murder.
  • Criminal damage to lives or property.
  • Children trafficking.
  • Drug trafficking.
  • Terrorism (within the last twenty years) and further information on the time and country it happened.

Disclosing Information on Trips to Conflict Zones

The EU and ETIAS governing bodies are keen on security within their regions. Hence, you will need to provide information about your recent visit and stay in conflict zones. You will need to state if you have traveled or stayed in war or conflict zones in the last ten years and the reason why you traveled or stayed there. You will also have to indicate if you have had any criminal convictions within the previous ten years and the country they took place.

Will ETIAS Only Ask About Previous 10 Years Convictions?

ETIAS will ask about criminal offenses that date to 10 years back. However, it will require a 20-year record for terrorism cases.

ETIAS Watchlist to Be Established

The ETIAS watchlist is a database that contains terrorism suspects and other wanted individuals for heinous crimes across the EU, Schengen member states, and the globe.

Answer Security Questions Honestly

You should note that ETIAS uses different security databases. So it is vital that you answer every question honestly and truthfully because ETIAS will detect every inconsistent and inaccurate information. Inconsistencies can disqualify you automatically.

Can I travel to Europe with a serious criminal record?

It is unlikely that you will be allowed to travel to Europe with a serious criminal record. Anyone who has spent more than 3 years in jail or has been convicted of trafficking or drug offences with over two years of jail time will usually be declined.
There are different rules across the member states, so there could be a possibility of applying for a Schengen visa for the specific country you are visiting and the embassy will review your criminal record and make a decision whether to issue a visa.
Spent convictions will not usually impact travelling to Europe, unless the offence included over 30 months’ of imprisonment.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can you get a European visa with a criminal record?

A criminal record does not automatically disqualify you for an ETIAS visa. But your chances depend on the following:
  • The nature and severity of the crime.
  • The length of time since the conviction.
  • The length of your sentence.
Aside from the crime, ETIAS authorities may also consider factors like your purpose of visit, the length of stay, and previous travel history.

2. Can I Still Apply For ETIAS If I Have A Criminal Record?

Yes, you can still apply for ETIAS even if you have a criminal record. You can still get ETIAS with a criminal record.

3. Can convicted felons go to Europe?

Yes, convicted felons can go to Europe. However, from 2023, they may need an ETIAS visa waiver to ensure free entry and movement within the continent.

4. What questions will be on the ETIAS?

The ETIAS application will include the following questions:
  • Personal information: name, date of birth, place of birth, gender, and contact details.
  • Passport information: passport number, expiration date, and country of issuance.
  • Travel information: point of entry to the Schengen Area, intended length of stay, and accommodation details.
  • Security-related questions: criminal record, previous refusals of entry or visa, and terrorist activities.
  • Health-related questions: current or past infectious diseases such as COVID-19

5. Can I move to France with a criminal record?

Yes, you can move to France with a criminal record.

6. How long does ETIAS approval take?

ETIAS approval ranges from a few minutes to 4 days. Sometimes, it may take up to a month if there is a need for some extra processing.

7. Is ETIAS mandatory now?

While ETIAS will begin operations in November 2023, it may not be mandatory until after six months.
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